Employee HR Details
This menu provides options regarding an employee's employment at the organisation. Generally this area will be completed by HR, but it enables employees to view their various records and amend them if necessary. Most users will see only their own details, however users with 'FM' or Function Manager permissions rather than 'Own' permissions (or with 'My Team' access) will be able to select different employees. Depending on other permissions that have been set, users may be able to edit or delete existing records, or to add new records.
There are five sections within Employee HR Details:
This lists any training sessions or courses the employee has done, or will undertake, during their employment with the organisation. When you view or edit an existing record, the additional tabs Action and Documents are displayed – these may be items such as a follow-up reminder (Actions) or a training manual (Documents).
This is an example of what a Function Manager will see (or a 'My Team' Manager, but not those with 'Own' permissions), allowing them to change training for the current employee:
To make changes to an existing record, click the Edit button:
Alternatively, click Add Training to open a new record beneath the list of existing records.
Field | Explanation |
Training Type | For these fields, select the appropriate options from the drop-down lists. Note that these two lists are populated from the Training Tables via HR Framework in HR3 kiosk, or HR Framework Validation Tables in HR3 payroll. |
Training/Course | |
Start Date | Type in the start date of the course. You may also specify the start time, but this is not mandatory. An entry will appear in the Team Planner to reflect this. |
Finish Date | Type in the finish date of the course. You may also specify the finish time, but this is not mandatory. An entry will appear in the Team Planner to reflect this. |
Continuous | Tick this box if you do not want two entries to appear in the Team Planner (one showing start and one showing finish). |
Trainer | Click the drop-down arrow to open the Contacts window. Select the Type of contact first. From the Company field, select the training provider. If a name is available, select this for the Contact field. Click OK to save the changes and close the Contacts window. The Company name will appear alongside the Trainer field. The information in this window is from Admin | System Options | Companies and Admin | HR Framework | Institutions in HR3people. |
Cost | Type in the cost of the course, if appropriate. |
Invoice No | If any invoice has been received for this course, type in the invoice number here. |
Duration | Type in the hours duration of the course. |
Hourly Rate Cost | Depending on your security level, this area may display as a blank field. Alternatively it will calculate the hourly pay rate for the attendee, multiplied by the duration of the course. |
Attended Flag | Leave this tick box blank until the attendee has completed the course. |
Results | Once the attendee has completed the course, if necessary select an option from the drop-down list, for example 'Passed' or 'Graduated'. This list is populated from the Training Tables via HR Framework in HR3 kiosk, or HR Framework Validation Tables in HR3 payroll. |
Score | Once the attendee has completed the course, type in any score given as a result. (This is a numerical field only.) |
User Date | This field no longer needs to be used. As User Defined Fields are now available in HR3 kiosk any user-specific dates may be added there. However this field is retained as a legacy field for records with this information. |
Notes | Add any pertinent notes that may be useful for future reference, such as a more detailed description of the Training Course. |
This lists any skills that the employee possesses, particularly when these are role specific, or a requirement of their role. As with Training, you can click the Edit button, or Add Skills.
Field | Explanation |
Type | For these fields, select the appropriate options from the drop-down lists. Note that these two lists are populated from the Skills Tables via HR Framework in HR3 kiosk, or HR Framework Validation Tables in HR3 payroll. |
Skill | |
Acquired Date | Click the drop-down arrow to display the calendar. Select the date the current employee acquired this skill - this may be the date they attended the associated training course. |
Rater/Tester | Click the drop-down arrow to display the Contacts window. Select the appropriate organisation and person if known. This may be an external training provider, or the skill may have been verified through skills testing by an internal staff member. |
Rate/Score Emp | Enter the actual rate or score the employee has achieved in this skill. |
Rate/Score Pos | The system will display the rate or score required by the position. This is set in HR3 payrollin Positions | Skills. |
Rate/Score Var | The system will calculate any variance between the required and actual skill rating. |
Review Date | If applicable, enter the date this skill will need to be reviewed (e.g. a first aid certificate). An entry will appear in the planner on this date. |
Expiry Date | If the skill has an expiry date, enter it here. The HR reports Employee Skills Gap and Employee Skills Listing can be filtered by this date. |
Notes | Add any pertinent notes that may be useful for future reference, such as a more detailed description of the skill. |
This lists the details of any HR events that the employee has completed or will undertake, such as Annual Review meeting, or Medical. As with Training, you can click the Edit button, or Add Event.
Field | Explanation |
Event Type | For these fields, select the appropriate options from the drop-down list. Note that these two lists are populated from the Events Tables via HR Framework in HR3 kiosk, or HR Framework Validation Tables in HR3 payroll. |
Event | |
Scheduled Date & time | Enter the date (and time) the event is scheduled to take place. This is the 'start' of the event. An entry will be made in the planner displaying this finish date and time. |
Scheduled To date & time | Enter the date (and time) the event is scheduled to finish. An entry will be made in the planner displaying this finish date and time. |
Continuous | If you tick this checkbox an entry will be made in the planner spanning the Scheduled Date and time to the Scheduled To date and time. |
Coordinator | If applicable, select the contact who is coordinating or performing this event. |
% Completed | Enter the current completion percentage of this event, e.g. 50% or 100%. |
Completed Date | Enter the date (and time) the event is scheduled to be completed. An entry will be made in the planner showing this information. |
Duration | Enter the duration of the event (this is optional). |
Score | If applicable, enter a score for the event. |
Follow Up Date/time | If the event requires a follow up, enter the date (and time) here. |
Follow Up By | Enter the contact who will perform the follow up. |
Notes | Add any pertinent notes that may be useful for future reference, such as a more detailed description of the event. |
This lists the details of any company property that the employee is responsible for. This might include a Laptop or a Mobile Phone. As with Training, you can click the Edit button, or Add Property.
Field | Explanation |
Type | For these fields, select the appropriate options from the drop-down list. Note that these two lists are populated from the Property Tables via HR Framework in HR3 kiosk, or HR Framework Validation Tables in HR3 payroll. |
Property | |
Description | Type in the model name/number of the property item. |
Supplier/Contact | Click the drop-down arrow to display the Contacts window. Select the appropriate Supplier and the contact person within the Supplier organisation. |
Internal Manager | Select the person who is responsible for this item. |
Warranty | Enter the warranty information for this property item. Unit of Measure is populated from HR3pay | Payroll Validation Tables. |
Serial No | Enter the serial number of the property item. |
Asset No | Enter the asset number of the property item. |
Purchased Date | Enter the date (and time) when the item was purchased. |
Issued Date | Enter the date (and time) when the item was issued to the employee. An entry will appear in the planner to reflect this information. |
Returned Date | Enter the date (and time) when the employee returned the item. An entry will appear in the planner to reflect this information. |
Cost | Enter the replacement cost of the item. |
Replace Date | Enter the date on which the item should be upgraded or replaced. |
Notes | Add any pertinent notes that may be useful for future reference, such as a physical description of the item. |
Note that you may also add images for the property item. To the right of the property details is the image area.
- Click Browse to locate the image to be added
- Click Upload to include the image with this property record.
Online Actions
This section allows the Employee to follow up on the completion of any number Actions that they have been tasked to do. This might include undergoing Induction Training, or completing a Survey, or updating Drivers Licence details.
Note that these Online Actions need to be configured first in HR Framework.
The Processing Tab shows new and current Actions, and the Finished Tab shows the Actions completed by the Employee. Both tabs contain the same fields.
Click Edit next to the Online Action you want to process.
Depending on the Online action type, generally a list of information will be displayed - this is not editable. It will indicate the name of the Online Actions Group, the employee name, the Start and Due Date. The Finish date is blank until the Online Action has been completed.
Below these details is a list of the various Elements, or tasks, involved as part of this Online Action. They are listed in order and can only be undertaken in this order.
When you Open and complete the first Element, the second Element will become available for opening. Once this has been completed, the third will be available. Continue with all the Elements in the Online Action until they have been completed. You may Save as you are working through this list.
For each of the Elements that you complete, click Finish. This will make the next Element available.
Once you have completed all Elements, click Finish at the bottom of the Processing tab. This will transfer all the completed details to the Finished tab.
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